
I regularly blogged at IPE@UNC (2008-13), The Fair Jilt (2013-15), and Duck of Minerva (2014-18). I had an award-winning Twitter account (@whinecough) with several thousand followers, but I temporarily deactivated it and then Elon nuked it (I don’t mind).

I am occasionally interviewed, such as this hour-long radio spot for Indiana Public Media on the 2021 debt-ceiling fight, and this 2021 television spot on WISH-TV Indianapolis on Trump’s 2nd Impeachment. Most links to media appearances seem to be dead.

I do write for non-academic audiences when I have something to say, often translating research findings to lay audiences and/or applying them to current events situations:

“Food Price Spikes and Social Unrest: The Dark Side of the Fed’s Crisis-Fighting,” Foreign Policy, May 20, 2020. With Ore Koren. pdf. Winner of an “Albies” award for the “Best Writing in Political Economy”, given by Dan Drezner of The Washington Post.

“Over 900 U.S. Political Scientists are Worried about Democratic Elections in November,” Public Seminar March 25, 2020. With Jeffrey C. Isaac. See APSA coverage here.

“The Fed is using all of its emergency tools to prevent economic disaster. Here are 4 things to know,” The Washington Post, March 18, 2020. With Daniel McDowell and Aditi Sahasrabuddhe. pdf.

Organizer, editor, and curator of the “World Politics in a Time of Populist Nationalism (#WPTPN)” seminar, Duck of Minerva, 2016-2018.

“This is why you shouldn’t blame China for the havoc in the markets,” The Washington Post, August 27, 2015. With Sarah Bauerle Danzman.

Review of Eric Helleiner, Forgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods: International Development and the Making the of Postwar Order (2014 Cornell University Press), 2014. Perspectives on Politics 12(4): 982-983.

“Financial firms don’t need an inside job to get favorable Fed treatment,” The Washington Post, September 30, 2014.  

“Why U.S. Financial Hegemony Will Endure,” Symposium Magazine , October, 2013. With Sarah Bauerle Danzman.

“The Strange Politics of U.S.-EU Free Trade,” The National Interest, February 14, 2013. With Sarah Bauerle Danzman.

“Is a Euro Collapse on Its Way?Footnote Magazine, June 25, 2012.

“Don’t Fear the Grexit,” Foreign Policy, May 23, 2012. Excerpted in The Week. With Thomas Oatley. (Ungated pdf here.)

In a previous life I did culture commentary and criticism for a variety of independent publications, including Bandoppler (Contributing editor, co-owner), Fine Print (Managing Editor), and a lot of free-lance places including Hit List, HM, Jacks57, and media local to where I was living at those times. I have also moonlighted as a disc jockey, and spent time as a recording and touring musician.